Our Story

The start of 10 Towns Church began several years ago as the Spirit of God began to place in the heart of our pastor, Scott Gray, a calling to pastor a church. Scott wrestled with this for several years. He wondered: Why start a new church when there are churches almost everywhere? Scott finally got to a point that he decided to stop trying to figure out the “why” and simply responded to the prompting of God’s Spirit. Church planting is not something one goes into lightly, nor without the support of one’s spouse. So Scott asked God to speak to his wife’s heart if this was their course. Six months later, his wife Lisa wanted to speak with him regarding something she believed God was telling her, that “something” was to plant a church in their hometown of Medina. After some more discussions and prayer, they met with their pastor and his wife. Scott and Lisa shared with them what they felt God was speaking to their hearts and received their blessing. They were encouraged to speak with friends that might feel the same calling at the church without reservation. Scott and Lisa spoke to a few families regarding this, and soon they were joined with their first family. Before they knew it, they were having their first Core meeting in the living room of their house and more families felt the same call and responded.

After this first step of faith, God opened the path before them. Flying to Phoenix, Arizona for a church planter’s assessment with Mike Perkinson and Jeremy Erb of The Praxis Center for Church Development (praxiscenter.org), where they were met with overwhelming affirmation. When the assessment was finished, Mike, who is the senior developer at Praxis and a church planter himself, wanted these shepherds to know that God never plants a church alone and asked how they could partner to see the seed bear fruit. This led to a partnership with Scott and Lisa to plant 10 Towns Church. In addition to being the senior developer at Praxis, Mike was also the lead pastor of Estrella Mountain Church in Goodyear, Arizona. Since that day Mike Chong Perkinson has served as Scott and Lisa’s Pastor.

Since the very beginning of 10 Towns Church God has been sending people from many different “tribes” of the Kingdom of God to be a part of this church plant. If one would ask, ”What denomination is 10 Towns?” The response is: 10 Towns is an interdenominational community. From its conception, people from Assemblies of God, Brethren, Grace Brethren, Four Square, Lutheran, and a few more backgrounds have invested with time, prayer, resources, and finances. Though 10 Towns has and will continue to develop a community personality, it is our desire that people from various church backgrounds, and no church background at all, will find 10 Towns Church a home in which to love God, love others, and as we go make disciples.

10 Towns Church became incorporated with the state of Ohio in May 2013.  We are in the early stages and though we have an idea of where we are going, we are not sure what this church will look like in five years. Though the future is unclear we are sure of this: we are not interested in developing just another church to do more church stuff, we are interested in helping everyday people come to Jesus in a real way resulting in people's lives truly reflecting a real relationship with Him.

At this point 10 Towns does not offer what many well established churches have, but then if that is what you are looking for or need then that is where you should attend. However if something in you is desiring something from God that a traditional church can't offer, maybe 10 Towns is the place for you.

Read our story and investigate the rest of our website! We are people just like you who realize life can be messy at times, crazy at times, but there is a wonderful sense of strength in being part of a church community. If something inside of you is inspired or you would like more information about 10 Towns Church, we invite you to contact us by clicking on the email link at the bottom of the page or by joining us for one of our gathering services Sunday mornings @ 10:30 a.m.

Partner Ministries

  • Vision USA Church Planting

  • Praxis Center for Church Development

  • Chi Alpha Campus Ministries

  • Operation Christmas Child &

    Samaritan's Purse


  • CUPS Cafe, Medina

  • Oasis of Hope

  • Voice of the MartYRs